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You don’t have to be Spielberg. Recording videos to add to your tablet is simple.

In most cases, the camera on your phone is more than adequate. Whatever you’re using to record, make sure you follow these simple steps:

The content of your video should get straight to the point. There’s no need for lengthy intros, or flashy editing — keep it simple, and shoot from your point of view.
Shoot everything individually. No one wants sit through a 9-minute guide to your kitchen just to find out how your coffee machine works — split your guides into appliances & features. That way, if you update something, you only have to re-do one video.
Record the videos in landscape orientation (turn your phone on its side before tapping record).
Ensure the main light source is behind you and try to use natural light, if possible.
The sound is more important than the visuals — make sure you can be clearly heard at all times.
You upload them directly via the dashboard — there is a limit to the file size, but a few of the YourWelcome team (including me!) have video production backgrounds. The optimal size for a video of 60 seconds is about 8–10mb. If your files are bigger, get in touch with the support team before uploading.