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Available for subscribers of:
Available to: Users with access to the dashboard with ability to create tasks.

For various technical and administrative reasons all tasks require a property to be nominated. Depending whether your task is linked to booking(s) determines whether this block shows on the assigning and automation page.

If the task is linked to a booking then the property of that booking determines this section so its hidden by default, however for repeating day/time and some one-off options you can choose where the task is required.

Each property you select will generate individual tasks for that property. So selecting a one-off task can actually generate multiple task cards, one for each property. Simply tick a single or group of properties to have the task applied to that property. The indicator next to the group shows how many (out of that group are included) eg 1/3 represents 1 selected property from a group of 3 properties.

If you have a holistic task or something that ideally would not use a property you would need to create a generic property with for example the nickname ‘No Property Needed’ (using eg your company headquarters as the address) and apply any holistic/generic tasks to that ‘property’.

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